Unspeakable Singularity : When We Open the Mouth, We Are a Voice in the Desert. Fritz Mauthner’s Linguistic Skepticism Cover Image

L’inexprimable singularité : quand nous ouvrons la bouche,nous parlons dans le désert.Le scepticisme linguistique de Fritz Mauthner
Unspeakable Singularity : When We Open the Mouth, We Are a Voice in the Desert. Fritz Mauthner’s Linguistic Skepticism

Author(s): Jacques Le Rider
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: L'Orecchio di Van Gogh
Keywords: Jorge Luis Borges; Fritz Mauthner; philosophy of language; skepticism

Summary/Abstract: Fritz Mauthner’s critics of language (Sprachkritik) concludes that human language is a useful instrument of social communication and transaction, but a deficient medium for knowledge and for every form of expression of subjectivity. Mauthner’s analysis of the contemporary language crisis (Sprachkrise) has much in common with Maurice Maeterlinck. Jorge Luis Borges was in his ironical way one of the most perspicacious interprets of Mauthner’s linguistic skepticism.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 08
  • Page Range: 11-18
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: French
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