State estimation of discrete measurements for the mathematical model described by differential equations hyperbolic type Cover Image

Estymacja stanu z nieciągłymi pomiarami dla modelu matematycznego opisanego równaniami różniczkowymi typu hiperbolicznego
State estimation of discrete measurements for the mathematical model described by differential equations hyperbolic type

Author(s): Tadeusz Kwater, Paweł Krutys, Robert Pękala, Ewa Żesławska
Subject(s): Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life
Published by: Wydawnictwo Oświatowe FOSZE
Keywords: mathematical modeling, partial differential equations, estimation, simulation experiments.

Summary/Abstract: This paper presents a mathematical model of a polluted river described differential equations of hyperbolic type, and consider estimation using the filter Kalman-Bucy with discrete measurements. As a result, it received two steps of etimation i.e. filtration and prediction. In the estimation process of river quality was used measurements of the fixed point, yielding discrete values, which then was crucial to issue a prediction understood as a continuous equation with the initial conditions obtained by a filtration process to generate the predicted values of subsequent measurements. The study included the selection of appropriate filter gain factors having a major influence on the estimation error.

  • Issue Year: V/2014
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 605-610
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: Polish
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