The Inquisition from the Catholic Point of View  Cover Image

Az inkvizíció katolikus szemmel
The Inquisition from the Catholic Point of View

Author(s): József Marton
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion
Published by: Institutul Teologic Romano-Catolic Alba Iulia
Keywords: Inquisition; heresy; Bishop; excommunication; council; Cathar; Theodosius; St. Augustine; St. Bernard.

Summary/Abstract: By mixing the various inquisitions intentionally we get a scary or distorted image about this institution. The correct assessment needs to specify the four inquisitions: the one from the 12th century, the so-called bishop inqiusition, regulated by councils; (founded in 1184), in the 13th century the papal formed (in 1231); in the 15th century, the Spanish state security forces, the (in 1478), and in the 16th century, the one established in Rome (1542). Because most of the confusion and misunderstanding comes from the intentional mixing means of these four types, which were quite different processes. Every bishop, as the apostolic successor must provide spiritual and community peace. And if something or someone disturbs the peace, he must be removed or excluded from the community. Therefore, in the history of the Church the ones called heretics were always excluded from the community. The problem arose when the bishop's function expanded, and to the spiritual power of the Christian society was added secular power. But then, the man of the Middle Ages thought differently about belief, eternal life and salvation and therefore according to the typical mentality of the era he felt obliged to persecution of heretics. The universities and the medieval scholars accepted and supported inquisition. The universities and the medieval scholars accepted and supported inquisition. If we examine this institution in the historical context we must say that at a certain degree the inquisition was necessary and understand-able. Of course this does not mean the acceptance of the inhuman treat-ments and other excesses. Althought the inqusition particularly for its methods and forced conscience is a dark spot in the history of the Middle Ages we have to admit objectively that in that period not only the church but the whole society was against heresy and considered it the biggest sin.

  • Issue Year: 14/2011
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 91-117
  • Page Count: 27
  • Language: Hungarian
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