Zagadnienia kodyfikacji języka w pracach profesora Mieczysława Szymczaka - kultura języka i leksykografia praktyczna
Language Codification in Professor Mieczysław Szymczak's Works - Linguistic Culture and Lexicography in Practice
Author(s): Stanisław DubiszSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA
Keywords: lexicography; Szymczak; editor; dictionary
Summary/Abstract: This year there is the 20th death anniversary of Professor Mieczysław Szymczak, an outstanding Polish linguist, the author of more than 200 scholarly works, the editor of Polish language dictionaries and the general editor of "Poradnik Językowy". This is the reason for raising the subject of his language codification. The issue is analyzed with reference to his assumptions worked out in his papers concerning linguistic culture and in Słownik ortograficzny języka polskiego (Polish Orthographic Dictionary, published in 1975) and in the three-volume Słownik języka polskiego (Polish Language Dictionary, published 1978-1979-1981) - both edited by M. Szymczak. The analysis revealed functionality of linguistic forms as the most crucial criterion of codification. The article also presents M. Szymczak's innovations in lexicographic description.
Journal: Poradnik Językowy
- Issue Year: 2005
- Issue No: 09
- Page Range: 8-18
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Polish