Transnational migration - new phenomenon of global world? (Slovak citizens as transnational migrants in Brussels) Cover Image

Transnárodná migrácia - nový fenomén globálneho sveta? (slovenskí občania ako transnárodní migranti v Bruseli)
Transnational migration - new phenomenon of global world? (Slovak citizens as transnational migrants in Brussels)

Author(s): Alexandra Bitušíková
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Ústav etnológie a sociálnej antropológie Slovenskej akadémie vied
Keywords: transnational migration; Slovaks; European institutions; Brussels

Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with the new phase of migration processes in contemporary global world - transnational migration. It brings an overview of transnational theories as discussed in social anthropological literature. Transnational migrants are citizens who live within the borders of two or more states and maintain close social, cultural, economic and political ties to their home country. One of the growing groups of transnational migrants are highly skilled and qualified professionals who work for international and transnational institutions and organisations. The study focuses on a group of Slovak citizens working at European institutions in Brussels. It is based on qualitative research and analyses responses from questionnaires and interviews with Slovak professionals in Brussels divided into several categories (motivations of migration; home; identity constructions and transformations; life styles; contacts and relations with the home country). The main objective is to investigate whether the characteristics of transnational migrants can be applied to this group of migrants.

  • Issue Year: 55/2007
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 401-421
  • Page Count: 21
  • Language: Slovak
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