Rok Języka Polskiego
The Year of Polish Language
Author(s): Agata HąciaSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA
Keywords: year; language; polish
Summary/Abstract: The booklet containing basic knowledge about the Polish is a result of one of the undertakings organized on the occasion of the Year of the Polish Language. The aim of the booklet's authors was to popularize basic knowledge about the Polish (in an accessible way), translate the booklet into the languages of European Union, to print and distribute it among the main european institutions, the translators of EU and Polish community abroad (through appropriate polish institutions). Involved in the project were The Coun- cil for the Polish Language (Rada Języka Polskiego) and Society for Grammar and Style (Towarzystwo Kultury Języka). Funding the booklet was possible thanks to Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Senate of the Republic of Poland and Langenscheidt Polska. The author of the booklet's text is prof. dr hab. Walery Pisarek; the contributors are either academics (in the majority), the philologists, often foreigners, or professional translators. Work on the booklet started in the middle of 2006 year, when there were 25 countries in European Union and 20 official languages, therefore there are 19 translations until now. The translators are: Marta Usiekniewicz (English translations), Teresa Piotrowska-Małek (Czech translations), Andrzej Zalewski (Danish translations), Aarne Puu (Estonian translations), Sirkka Ojaniemi (Finnish translations), dr Wanda Fijałkowska (French translations), Przemysław Kordos (Greek translations), Magdalena Adamczyk (Spanish translations), dr Ana Romanèuk (Lithuanian translations), Ieva Palasa (Latvian translations), Carmel Azzopardi (Maltese translations), Agnieszka Bienias (Dutch translations), Andreas W. Meger (German translations), Agata Adamska (Portuguese translations), prof. Marta Panèíková (Slovak translations), Jasmina Suler-Galos (Slovenian translations), Grażyna Tatar (Swedish translations), Ildikó Kozak (Hungarian translations), Maciej Jaskot (Italian translations). Because of expansion of UE - there are 2 new countries (Bulgaria, Romania) and 3 new official languages (Bulgarian, Irish, Romanian) - we plan to translate the booklet into the new languages in 2007.
Journal: Poradnik Językowy
- Issue Year: 2007
- Issue No: 06
- Page Range: 3-17
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Polish