Bosnian towns in the collection of Graphics from the Croatian state archives Cover Image

Bosanska mjesta u Grafičkoj zbirci Hrvatskoga državnoga arhiva
Bosnian towns in the collection of Graphics from the Croatian state archives

Author(s): Vlatka Lemić
Subject(s): Museology & Heritage Studies
Published by: Arhiv Bosne i Hercegovine
Keywords: Bosna i Hercegovina; Hrvatski državni arhiv; Grafička zbirka

Summary/Abstract: Ovaj pregledni rad odnosi se na tridesetak grafi ka koje na različite načine prikazuju nekoliko bosanskih mjesta i krajeva – vedute, panorame, planovi mjesta, prikazi opsada pojedinih gradova i bitaka, te motivi utvrda i pojedinačnih građevina. Prikazani su prema mjestima: Bihać, Bosanska Dubica, Bosanska Gradiška, Jajce, Maglaj, Bosanski Novi, Rama, Sarajevo i Zvornik, a u izvornom se obliku čuvaju u seriji Mjesta Grafi čke zbirke HDA, u podseriji Strana mjesta. Collection of graphics, compiled at the end of XIX century, is the one of the biggest collections in the Croatian State Archives. It has almost 4000 pieces, which originates from XVI to XX century. During WWII, Bartol Zmajić started serious research and rearrangement; inventory was fi nished at the end of 1940’s and the rest of unexplored materials had been sorted afterwards. About 30 graphics in sub-collection „Places“ presents Bosnian’s towns and landscapes in several different manners and they are presented according to its contents: Bihać, Bosanska Dubica, Bosanska Gradiška, Jajce, Maglaj, Bosanski Novi, Rama, Sarajevo and Zvornik.

  • Issue Year: 2009
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 301-314
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Bosnian
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