Negative Dialectic and Linguistic Turn: The Actuality of Adorno’s Concept of the Conflict Nature of Modern Societies Cover Image

Negativna dijalektika i jezički zaokret: aktuelnost Adornovog shvatanja konfliktne prirode modernih društava
Negative Dialectic and Linguistic Turn: The Actuality of Adorno’s Concept of the Conflict Nature of Modern Societies

Author(s): Marjan Ivković
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
Keywords: Adorno; Habermas; conflict nature; critique; reason; domination; capitalism; emancipation.

Summary/Abstract: The author attempts at questioning Habermas’ and Honneth’s claim that the linguistic turn within Critical Theory of society represents a way out of the “dead end” of the first generation of Frankfurt School theorists, who were unable to formulate an action-theoretic understanding of social conflicts. By presenting a view that Adorno, in his “Negative dialectic”, develops an insight into a crucial characteristic of the conflict nature of modern societies, which eludes the lingustic-pragmatist Critical Theory, the author tries to defend and reactualize Adorno’s perspective. The paper analyzes some key aspects of the original idea of Critical Theory, and the “negativistic turn” that Adorno and Horkheimer made with the writing of “Dialectic of Enlightenment”. Having considered the central arguments of the “Negative Dialectic”, the author presents his understanding of Adorno’s concept of social conflict, which is then being contrasted with Habermas’ understanding of social conflict, formulated in terms of a systemic colonization of the lifeworld. Pointing out the weaknesses of Habermas’ concept, the author aims at sharpening the image of the conflict nature of modern societies that Adorno sketches, concluding that his perspective is able to question the framework of intersubjectivity that Habermas and Honneth take for granted.

  • Issue Year: 21/2010
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 29-52
  • Page Count: 24
  • Language: Serbian
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