Of spatial semiotics in the cultural semiotics of the Tartu-Moscow School. Semiotic subject Cover Image

Ruumisemiootikast Tartu-Moskva kultuurisemiootikas. Semiootiline subjekt
Of spatial semiotics in the cultural semiotics of the Tartu-Moscow School. Semiotic subject

Author(s): Anti Randviir
Subject(s): Semiotics / Semiology
Published by: Eesti Semiootika Selts
Keywords: space; semiosphere; semiotic subject; transdisciplinary cultural semiotics; spatiality of the semiotic; ruum; semiosfäär; semiootiline subjekt; transdistsiplinaarne kultuurisemiootika; semiootilise ruumilisus

Summary/Abstract: The article views the development of the Tartu–Moscow semiotic school from the analysis of texts to the study of spatial entities (semiosphere being the most well known of them). It comes to light that ‘culture’ and ‘space’ have been such notions in TMS to which, e.g., the ‘semiosphere’ does not add much. The article studies possibilities to join Uexküll’s and Lotman’s basic concepts (as certain grounds of Estonian semiotics) with TMS’s treatment of culture and space through the notion of ‘semiotic subject’. Such an approach allows to see transdisciplinarity, which has come to issue only during the last decade, already in the first conceptions of TMS where transdisciplinarity revealed itself in the symbiotic use of ‘culture’ and ‘space’.

  • Issue Year: 2008
  • Issue No: 5
  • Page Range: 035-062
  • Page Count: 28
  • Language: Estonian
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