The Funeral Speeches Made on the Occasion of Adam  Mickiewicz’s Death in Relation to the Tradition of the Genre Cover Image

Mowy pogrzebowe wygłaszane z powodu śmierci Adama Mickiewicza wobec tradycji gatunku
The Funeral Speeches Made on the Occasion of Adam Mickiewicz’s Death in Relation to the Tradition of the Genre

Author(s): Mikołaj Sokołowski
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: A.Mickiewicz; funeral speech

Summary/Abstract: This article is devoted to an analysis of the structure and style of the funeral speeches given at the successive funerals of Adam Mickiewicz: by Bohdan Zaleski at Montmorency on January 21st 1856, and by Adam Asnyk, Stanisław Tarnowski and Wladysław Chotkowski in Wawel Castle on July 4th 1890. The speeches are compared both with the old Polish funeral orations as well as with nineteenth-century speeches made by Hieronim Kajsiewicz, Aleksander Jełowiecki, Jan Chryzostom Janiszewski and Aleksy Prusinowski. The focus of consideration is the violation of the traditional structure of the oration genre (lamentation, praise, consolation) and the destabilizing of stylistic unity which occur in Zaleski’s speech, as well as in those of Asnyk, Tarnowski and Chotkowski. The author also discusses the lack of this kind of oration given at Mickiewicz’s funeral in Constantinople on December 30th 1855.

  • Issue Year: 2005
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 123-141
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Polish
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