Nepilnamečių resocializacija - anachronizmas, utopija ar iššūkis šiuolaikiniams socialiniams mokslams?
Juvenile Resocialization: Anachronism, Utopia, or a Challenge to Contemporary Social Sciences?
Author(s): Irena Leliūgienė, Gitana LiaudinskienėSubject(s): Education
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas Švietimo akademija
Keywords: resocialization of juvenile delinquent; problems of resocializacion; vindicatory components of resocialization process
Summary/Abstract: The problem of resocialization of juvenile delinquents, which rises in the context of social changes in lithuania, is discussed / analysed in this article. While showing resocialization as a process with unlimited recourses of actions, which are used in order to reinstate juvenile delinquent in socially acceptable living, at the same time lot o/hardly resolvable questions shows up. This induced to envisage/ foresee the field of problems of resocialization: problem of unanimous explanation of conception of resocialization: opportunity to change it with close / cognate process; impossibility to apply compulsory / forced process: the problem of legitimacy; fact / evidence of inefficiency, as specification of utopian process. Despite named difficulties, the idea of resocialization has humanistic world-view, and the expression of modern social policy. Article tries to find the answer(-s) to the reasonable question: is resocialization of juvenile delinquents anachronism. Utopia or challenge for modern social sciences'? When the most vital / fundamental components (humanity, involvement, economy, care, support, education training, responsibility, chance, correction, development / growth) of resocialization are highlighted, the logical proposition arise — resocialization implicates humanistic disposition, fulfills social cost-effectiveness, outlines an inevitability of modern impact (while talking about juveniles, and firstly social educational impact), stresses responsibility and attempts of person himself/ herself in this process, and meets realia of lithuania today. That is why resocialization of juvenile delinquents becomes topical object of research in the field of social sciences, which could cover / embody important studies / research of various fields / areas of sciences.
Journal: Pedagogika
- Issue Year: 2007
- Issue No: 88
- Page Range: 106-115
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Lithuanian