Von den Aufständen zu den Revolutionen christlicher Untertanen des Osmanischen Reiches in Südosteuropa (ca. 1530-1821). Ein Typologisierungsversuch
From the Uprisings to the Revolts of Christian Subjects under Ottoman Rule in Southeastern Europe (ca. 1530-1821)
Author(s): Olga Katsiardi-HeringSubject(s): History
Published by: De Gruyter Oldenbourg
Summary/Abstract: The following text is a first attempt to group and compare the rebellions, movements and revolutions of the Christian subjects under Ottoman rule, starting from approx. the third decade of the 16th century, i. e. from the consolidation of Ottoman power at the borders of Central Europe after the battle with Mohács (1526), up to the beginning of the third decade of the 19th century, the outbreak of the Greek fight for independence (1821), i. e. the revolution, which led to the establishment of the first independent national state in Southeastern Europe. This seems ambitious, but only first thoughts are here given. The text is part of a larger research project, which is to be arranged in the comparative history of the revolutions. The reason for this text was on the one hand to collect the results of the discussions about the role of the rebellions in Southeastern Europe with main interest on those with a national character 19, and on the other hand to show the abundance of studies about rebellions during the long period specified above.
Journal: Südost-Forschungen
- Issue Year: 2009
- Issue No: 68
- Page Range: 96-137
- Page Count: 42
- Language: German