Motivation, experience, autonomy and foreign language learning strategies of late adults attending third age university language courses... Cover Image

Specyfika motywacji, doświadczeń i autonomii ucznia oraz wyboru technik uczenia się języka obcego na lektoracie na Uniwersytecie Trzeciego Wieku...
Motivation, experience, autonomy and foreign language learning strategies of late adults attending third age university language courses...

Author(s): Grażyna Kiliańska-Przybyło, Monika Grotek
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: University of Third Age; late adulthood; learning foreign languages in late adulthood; narratives

Summary/Abstract: The article aims at presenting the aged foreign language learner autonomy, their motivation and experience in foreign language learning as well as the strategies that the students use to improve their language skills bearing in mind one of the motivational factors to take up a language course in late adulthood, which is resisting aging of mental abilities. The sample consists of 87 respondents, aged 58–83. The data were collected by means of questionnaires and personal narratives which included the subjects’ reflection and evaluation of their learning process.

  • Issue Year: 229/2013
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 51-66
  • Page Count: 1
  • Language: Polish
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