Психично здраве — тенденции, проблеми в света и у нас
Psychic Health — Tendencies and problems in the World and in Bulgaria
Author(s): Sashka PopovaSubject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Институт за изследване на населението и човека - Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: The article discusses the socio-medical aspects of psychic health within the radical reform of health care in Bulgaria. The social significance of psychic health is related not only to the increasing number of psychic diseases and diversions within the population but also to the increased part of the human factor in the present conditions, to the process of humanization of social life and of psychiatric practices in particular. Analysed are the tendencies of psychiatric epidemiology in the world, especially in Europe and in Bulgaria showing the characteristic changes in the structure of psychiatric deseases. of the desease and suicidal aptitude. Raised is the issue of the interrelationship and dependence of psychic health on the deep dempographic and social processes which are characteristic of the contemporary world. Underlined is the changing" character and content of psychiatric medical practice and the necessity for creating of new approaches and mechanisms for reaching durable and ceaseless lessening of the spreading of psychiatric deseases, for improving the qualitative characteristics of the population. Discussed are both the achievements in this field and the existing problems in it, too. The author elaborates on the indirect problems for adequaten meeting of the healing, preventive and social needs of the people with psychiatric problems on the level of initial medical help. It is accentuated on the necessity of reaching psychiatric prosperity through the people, by seaking harmony in a real participation of each and everyone in preventive medicine and promotion of psychic health.
Journal: Население
- Issue Year: 1994
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 67-76
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Bulgarian