Дерида и Адорно – съпротивата на остатъка
Derrida and Adorno: The Resistance of the Restance
Author(s): Darin TenevSubject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Фондация за хуманитарни и социални изследвания - София
Keywords: Derrida; Adorno; resistance; restance; differance; the external; the non-conceptual; Negative Dialectics; deconstruction; materiality; exchange principle; autarky
Summary/Abstract: The paper traces some of the common traits of Adorno’s and Derrida’s philosophical projects, outlining the critique, shared by both of them, of Husserl, Heidegger and Hegel, and then disclosing the conceptual affi nities in relation to the non-identical. Beginning with a short discussion of Derrida’s comments on Adorno and his almost total dismissal of the Negative Dialectics, the author goes on to show in what way some of Adorno’s most important notions (such as the exchange principle, the external, the non-conceptual, etc.) have an exact counterpart on Derrida’s side, and vice versa. An emphasis is placed on the more or less explicit redefi nition of the material as a radical heterogeneity, which resists appropriation. Attention is drawn towards some of the similarities between Adorno’s negativity and Derrida’s differance.
Journal: Критика и хуманизъм
- Issue Year: 2010
- Issue No: 34
- Page Range: 33-54
- Page Count: 22
- Language: Bulgarian