Haspra´ s Morning, Noon and Evening  Cover Image

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Haspra´ s Morning, Noon and Evening

Author(s): Ladislav Čavojský
Subject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts
Published by: Ústav divadelnej a filmovej vedy SAV

Summary/Abstract: A generation yokefellow of a director Pavol Haspra, a theatrical critic and historian Ladislav Čavojský, has introduced the director by his collection of analytical and critical texts. A view on Pavol Haspra´s home file of a director of the Slovak National Theatre drama, in a bow from an extraordinary successflul Radičkov´s play Pokus o lietanie( An Attempt to Fly), via a classical Vladimir Hurban´s play Zámka škripí( The Screeching Lock), O´Neill´s stage Ľadár prichádza (The Iceman is Coming), a new original staging of Mikuláš Kočan Play-back, up to Kovačević´s Zberné stredisko (The Gathering Place) enables those interested to follow not just complexity of a creative fight of a ditrector, but at the same time to perceive conditions of stagings´ origination.

  • Issue Year: 54/2006
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 98-120
  • Page Count: 23
  • Language: Slovak
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