Return of Peter Karvaš directed by Pavol Haspra Cover Image

Návrat Petra Karvaša v réžii Pavla Haspru
Return of Peter Karvaš directed by Pavol Haspra

Author(s): Andrej Maťašík
Subject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts
Published by: Ústav divadelnej a filmovej vedy SAV

Summary/Abstract: A few days before Christmas in 1969 the opening of Karvas´s play Abslolútny zákaz (The Absolute Prohibition) took place at Malá scéna (The Small Stage) of the Slovak National Theatre. From that period comes also the detective play Súkromná oslava (The Private Party), which was the play he had come back to the theatre with, after the lapse of almost twenty-two years. The theatrical critic and theoretist Andrej Maťašík states that Haspra, being an experienced practician, must have been aware after fisrt reading that Súkromná oslava (The Private Party) was not the kind of a play to show off the director's ability to create a theatrical magic and thus impressing the audience by a geyser of fancies. Despite that, he as a director sensed, that it was his moral responsibility – to be present when unjustice commited at undoubtedly the most significant playwright of his generation, was eventually redressed. He was proud to have been at Karvaš´s returning back.

  • Issue Year: 54/2006
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 62-69
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Slovak
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