Екологизмът между нова мизантропия и нов хуманизъм
Ecologism Between a New Misanthropy and a New Humanism
Author(s): Petar KanevSubject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Институт по философия и социология при БАН
Keywords: Environmentalism; green paradigm; green misanthropy; ecohumanism; polycentrism; interconnection; Homeland Earth;
Summary/Abstract: In order to fathom the heterogeneous essence of Environmentalism, this analysis focuses on two opposite dimensions of this new philosophical, practical, lifestyle and worldview paradigm: as a new misanthropy on the one hand; and the ‘green paradigm’ as a new type of humanism on the other. The new green misanthropy considers the human species as a major danger for all life on earth: the main enemy of the human species is the human species itself. This leads to an absurd conclusion: in order to save humankind, we must destroy humankind. On the opposite side, the 'green paradigm' as a new humanism, and especially the fact that eco-humanism is not anthropocentric, because its fundamental value is diversity, are aspects that are not well understood. According to eco-humanists, the human species is not perceived as valuable taken in isolation, per se, but as part of the diversity of life in general. This view does not devalue women and men but ascribes a different type of value to humanity: human beings are not valuable as dictators dominating over all else, but as part of a large family of interdependent organisms, symbiotically interconnected in a complex living system, i.e., the Earth, which is our only homeland, a common home of all people and all life forms, an extended family in which the health of each member is important in its own way, mainly in its difference from others. This analysis also deflates many environmentalist myths, showing them to be inconsistent, contradictory and mutually contradictory. The main reason for their popularity is the lack of understanding of the value system of eco-humanism as a new paradigm based not on confrontation of ideas and judgments but on their paradoxical combination. Green values do not exclude anything: rather, they incorporate it into a new reading of the whole heritage of Western modernity and all other human cultures. The new environmental logic is based on polycentrism and dynamic interconnection, which allows it to reconcile the irreconcilable in certain unexpected new ways, within which emerges a new humanism of diversity and relationship.
Journal: Философски алтернативи
- Issue Year: XXII/2013
- Issue No: 5
- Page Range: 80-98
- Page Count: 19
- Language: Bulgarian