The language mastery of priest Alexi Velkovich who copied Paisij of Hilandar’s Istorija slavenobolgarskaja (Slavo-Bulgarian history) in 1771 ... Cover Image

Езиковото майсторство на йерей Алекси Велкович – автор на Първия самоковски препис (1771 г.) на Паисиевата история (По повод на 270 години от ...
The language mastery of priest Alexi Velkovich who copied Paisij of Hilandar’s Istorija slavenobolgarskaja (Slavo-Bulgarian history) in 1771 ...

Author(s): Mariya Deyanova
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Асоциация за антропология, етнология и фолклористика ОНГЬЛ

Summary/Abstract: The language mastery of priest Alexi Velkovich who copied Paisij of Hilandar’s Istorija slavenobolgarskaja (Slavo-Bulgarian history) in 1771 (On the occasion of the 270th anniversary from the birth of the priest) / The author compares the copy of the Slavo-Bulgarian History by Paisij of Hilandar that the Samokov priest Alexi Velkovich made in 1771 with the autograph of Paisij of 1762. She discusses the changes that the priest introduced in his copy, such as additions, omissions, introduction of forms typical of the spoken language, and suggests explanations of his innovations.

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