The liturgical celebration of St Demetrius of Bassarbovo (Some clarifications and additions)  Cover Image

Богослужебната прослава на св. Димитрий Басарбовски (Уточнения и допълнения)
The liturgical celebration of St Demetrius of Bassarbovo (Some clarifications and additions)

Author(s): Andrey Bobev
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Асоциация за антропология, етнология и фолклористика ОНГЬЛ

Summary/Abstract: The article presents information about an insufficiently studied source about St. Demetrius of Bassarbovo – ms. Zogr.Kath.11 from the Athonite Zographou Monastery. The manuscript contains: 1) a foreword for the reader; 2) a Service for the Saint, written by the Romanian metropolitan Philaret (1735 – †1794) between 1776 и 1780; 1) a Life of the Saint in Church Slavonic language, presumably by the same author; 3) a Life of the Saint in contemporary Bulgarian, published in 1858 by hieromonk Nathaniel of Zograph, future metropolitan of Ohrid; 4) a Service for the Most Holy Mother of God, written by hieromonk Pahomius, with an acrostic: Пахомї Іеромонаха пѣнїе Богоматери. Despite the late date of the ms., it is an important witness of the cult of St. Demetrius of Bassarbovo and should be studied thoroughly.

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