The Conception of Students’ Independent Activity in University Studies Cover Image

Savarankiškos veiklos sam prata universitetinėse studijose
The Conception of Students’ Independent Activity in University Studies

Author(s): Aušra Rutkienė, Rita Pileckaitė, Ilona Tandzegolskienė
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Keywords: universitetinės studijos; studentas; gebėjimas savarankiškai veikti; savarankiškumo lygis; savarankiška veikla studijų metu; university studies; student; ability to act autonomously; level of autonomy

Summary/Abstract: Mokykloje mokiniai skatinami mokytis savarankiškai, tačiau šiose ugdymo įstaigose svarbu laikytis mokymo(-si) plano ir mokymo(-si) turinio. Pradėjus studijuoti universitete, tenka daugiau dirbti savarankiškai, nes studijos universitete iš esmės skiriasi nuo mokymosi mokykloje. Būtent šiuo laikotarpiu dažnai pasigendama gebėjimo savarankiškai veikti. Taip pat svarbu paminėti, kad mokinio ir studento savarankiškos veiklos raiška matoma stebint jo atliekamas veiklas ir įvertinant, kiek paskirtos ar individualiai suplanuotos užduotys vykdomos savarankiškai, pasitelkiant kritinį mąstymą ir kūrybingumą. Mokinio / studento savarankiškumo lygmenį galima nustatyti analizuojant, kaip dažnai ir intensyviai yra pasitelkiama mokytojo / dėstytojo pagalba atliekant užduotį, taip pat – stebint mokinio / studento pasirinkimo laisvės lygį atliekant užduotį, gebėjimą pritaikyti įgytas žinias imituotoje ar natūralioje situacijoje. At school schoolchildren are encouraged to learn self-dependently; however, they have to comply with the requirements of teaching programmes and curricula. At university the need for independent study becomes particularly important as students have to study independently more because studying is essentially different from learning in terms of depth and appropriate level of independence. It is only having started studies at university that lack of ability and skills to act independently, i.e. to learn independently, emerge. Problem. The independence level of learners who have started their university studies is very different. Thus it is important to analyze the conception of independent activity level that makes influence on further learning success and learners’ activities and find out how the first year students understand the concept of self-independence in learning and how this attitude changes during the studies. It is also important to determine what elements of the self-independent learning are perceived by the students as an independent activity. The object is the conception of self-independent learning perceived by the students of Social Science Faculty. The aim is to clarify students’ conception of independent activity at university studies in Social Sciences.

  • Issue Year: 2010
  • Issue No: 19
  • Page Range: 196-209
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Lithuanian
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