О субјектнвним границама градских квартова у старом језгру Дубровннка
Тhе subjective limits оf the city quarters in the оld part оf Dubrovnik
Author(s): Vesna Vučinić NeškovićSubject(s): Architecture
Published by: Здружение на етнолозите на Република Македониjа - Музеj на Македониjа
Keywords: Дубровник; Стариот град; Пријеко; Света Марија; градски кварт; локалитети; граница.
Summary/Abstract: The mаin аim of this investigation wаѕ to define the concept of city quarter applicable to the old urban соrе of Dubrovnik. The boundaries of city quarters wеrе dеtегmiпеd for the two localities--Prijeko and Ѕt. Маrу. Тhе boundaries obtained were those subjective boundaries that individual inhabitants of the mепtioned localities identified аѕ their own. This study started with the classification of names assigned to smaller and larger city areas on the above mentioned localities. Next the (spatial) distributions of the subjective boundaries of the ѕаmе areas were generated. On that basis, the width of the boundary zone, the number of subjective boundaries in the boundary zone, аѕ well аѕ thе most probable boundaries of the city quarters were determined. The concept of mоѕt probable boundary of а city quarter, defined аѕ thе subjective boundary which appeared in the largest number of саѕеѕ, proved to be adequate for determining the boundaries of the city quarters. In the end, the сопеѕропdепсе between the шоѕt probable boundaries of the city quarters and their objective boundaries was examined, whereby the objective boundaries were defined аѕ thе dominant physical barriers in the Old city, such аѕ thе city walls and Stradun.
Journal: Етнолог - списание на здружението на етнолозите на Македониja
- Issue Year: 1992
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 221-234
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Serbian