Wilson’s Principles between Realism and Utopia Cover Image

Principiile wilsoniene între realism şi utopie
Wilson’s Principles between Realism and Utopia

Author(s): Cristian Sandache
Subject(s): History
Published by: Editura Academiei Române
Keywords: borders; safety; self-determination; plebiscite (theory)

Summary/Abstract: After World War I, the League of Nations stirred high expectations which it was far from meeting. The organization appears powerless when confronted with any serious problems. This crusade spirit for democracy and eternal peace found expression in the famous Fourteen Points, as defined by the U.S. President Wilson on January 8, 1918. However, the Fourteen Points were not accepted without reservation by the allied governments. The governments were already bound by secret commitments concluded during the war, without taking into consideration the people’s opinion, in particular by the famous Treaty of London, which promised Italy important positions in the Balkans. Moreover, Germany was arguing that the principle of the free determination of peoples, laid down by Wilson, had been breached by the Allies, who attached, without consultation, Western Prussia and Poznan to Poland, and, despite the desire expressed at the time by the Austrians, forbade the union of Germany with Austria.

  • Issue Year: XLV/2008
  • Issue No: 45
  • Page Range: 389-392
  • Page Count: 4
  • Language: Romanian
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