Onomasiological Differences of Lexis between Literary Slovak and Ukrainian Cover Image

Onomaziologické odlišnosti v slovnej zásobe spisovnej slovenčiny a ukrajinčiny
Onomasiological Differences of Lexis between Literary Slovak and Ukrainian

Author(s): Jarmila Kredátusová
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava Slovenskej akadémie vied
Keywords: Onomasiology; Derivatology; Comparative linguistics; Word-formation motivation; Word-formation structure; Motivation intention; Interlanguage asymmetry of onomasiological structures;

Summary/Abstract: In the research a chosen sample of substantives equivalent in both languages in meaning is compared. Semantically equivalent lexical units are divided into 11 types from the following points of view: motivated and unmotivated correlatives, coining of new naming units (derivative, compound, collocation, different word-class of naming unit /conversion/, different lexical meaning of motivatives, different position of motivatives in semantically equivalent word-formative nests, link in structure and lexical meaning of motivative with its meaning /significant/ pendant).

  • Issue Year: 36/2001
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Slovak
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