Recepcja wierszy księdza Jana Twardowskiego jako przykład stosunku dzieci do utworów literackich
The Reception of Rev Jan Twardowsky's Poetry as an Example of the Attitude of Children towards Literaturę
Author(s): Anna DąbrowskaSubject(s): Education
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: ks. Jan Twardowski; dzieci; poezja; telewizja; recepcja; dzieło literackie; przeżycie literackie;
Summary/Abstract: Considering important educational and pedagogical role the literature played in children's life that reserach has benn conducted on children's poetry. It seems that children of the pre-school understand poerty synthelically. but at first they react an the subcject of given lyrics however the atmosphere of ti seems to be secondary for them. They have literal reception of certian pharasals and use their experience for complition. certainly children recognize poetic humour in Rev Twardowski's poetry - both verbal and situational. While interpreting given text they follow it but also use their imagination, choose interesting parts. Such is their base for complete understanding. To conclude their reception is rather reproductive than creative one.
Journal: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
- Issue Year: 183/2000
- Issue No: 3-4
- Page Range: 75-96
- Page Count: 22
- Language: Polish