Memoirs As Source For The Study Of Serbian And Yugoslav Football - Analysis Of Danilo Stojanović, Mihailo Andrejevićand Jovan Ružić’s Memoirs Cover Image

Мемоарска литература као извор за проучавање српског и југословенског фудбала - Анализа Мемоара Данила Стојановића, Михаила Андрејевића И Јована Ружић
Memoirs As Source For The Study Of Serbian And Yugoslav Football - Analysis Of Danilo Stojanović, Mihailo Andrejevićand Jovan Ružić’s Memoirs

Author(s): Dejan Zec
Subject(s): History
Published by: Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije
Keywords: football; memoirs; Danilo Stojanović; Mihailo Andre-jević; Jovan Ružić

Summary/Abstract: The importance of researching development of sports has been acknowledged by Yugoslav and Serbian scholars in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Since then many sociologists, anthropologists and historians have been trying to implement existing theoretical models and to create new ones in order to fully understand the history and background of sports in Yugoslavia. The biggest obstacle in this process is the lack of valid historical sources. The press articles are often incomplete and out of context and the archival materials are very poor considering documents that can shed more light on the history of sports. Thus, the most important sources considering this topic are the narratives written by participants and witnesses of the events. Three most important writings in Serbian language are the memoirs of Danilo Stojanović, Mihailo Andrejevićand Jovan Ružić, who were all famous footballers, football officials and respected members of the society. Their memoirs present the glue that holds all the other information, gathered from other sources, together, and the fabric that contextualizes other data and creates a firm and understanable corpus. All who wish to investigate the history of Yugoslav and Serbian sports and football must not avoid to read the presented memoirs.

  • Issue Year: 2012
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 272-293
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Serbian
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