Entrepreneurial Instruments of Contemporary Government (State and Local Government) Cover Image

Preduzetnički instrumenti savremene vlasti (države i lokalnih vlasti)
Entrepreneurial Instruments of Contemporary Government (State and Local Government)

Author(s): Snežana S. Đorđević
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu
Keywords: decentralization; depolitization; regionalization; mission-driven governance; results-driven governance; market; participatory; flexible and deregulated model of governance; Westminster; American and Nordic model of public sector reform

Summary/Abstract: The analysis “Entrepreneurial instruments of contemporary government (state and local government)” deals with the sense, content and effects of public sector reforms which have been implemented in almost all west-ern democracies. This work represents an attempt to stress the impor-tance of huge changes in functioning of all levels of government and to prove that including market` s instruments and rulesin public sector has as a consequence, besides upgrading the efficiency, effectiveness and the quality of public services, great democratic effect with including citizens in decision making process, especially in defining priorities and needs, which public services have to meet. This work try to identify the lessons which can be learned by transitional countries, in strategic reform directing, steering and implementing as well as in practical using of various instruments. The manner of using each specific instrument as well as creating the optimal combination of these instruments, represent important skill which is to be learned and trained by all political and other acteurs in public scene. This analysis particularly enlighten the processes of including private and third sector in procuring public services process, creating competence as well as implementing market instruments for upgrading the quality of public services. The special attention is paid to privatization models, to all phases of con-tracting services and to contract as a very flexible instrument very helpful in defining rights and obligations of all acteurs. Implementation of contract de-mand the existence the rule of law and independent and responsible judicial branch of government. This work points out that other instruments which „fallow“ privatization (retreating governments from direct service procurement process, eregula-tion, concession, franchise, vouchers, selling public property and objects etc) can upgrade the quality of services and procure higher efficiency, effective-ness, and greater responsibility of public sector. The precondition for it is the existence of democratic institutions and developing democratic and entrepreneurial political culture. It is especially stressed the importance of standardization, certification and benchmarkingas very important instru-ments for monitoring, measuring, and evaluation of the effects of public policy implementation. Benchmarking upgrade openness and measurability of public sector results and otherwise decrease various forms of pathology (corruption, voluntarism etc).

  • Issue Year: 2008
  • Issue No: 02
  • Page Range: 133-157
  • Page Count: 25
  • Language: Serbian
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