Some Footnotes on Non-philosophy in Philosophy and on Philosophical Mediaeval Studies  Cover Image

Няколко бележки под линия за нефилософията във философията
Some Footnotes on Non-philosophy in Philosophy and on Philosophical Mediaeval Studies

Author(s): Todor Petkov Todorov
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Фондация за хуманитарни и социални изследвания - София
Keywords: mediaeval philosophy; language; non-philosophy

Summary/Abstract: There is no greater unclarity than that about philosophy. On the one hand, from psycho-sexo-linguistic philosophy to the philosophy of apple cakes, everything engenders a make-believe seriousness, even respect, as the result of snobbery and compete lack of understanding. In the same time, to be a philosopher is somewhat indecent, unserious, and to be a philosopher studying the Middle Ages is outright obscene. Only the paraphilosophy is interesting, since it, as far as being widely accessible, arouses curiosity and is a reading suitable for the tramway. However, in spite everything, the mediaeval is 'happening' and it happens tangibly precisely in this situation. According to Umberto Eco, we are possessed by the mediaeval. In the same time, in the field of postmodern culture, the philosophy of the Middle Ages looks an anachronism, its language looks impossible and absurd, and the people who are philosophically engaged with it look like idiots. But is it possible to have any philosophy at all when we are so much familiar with non-philosophy that we start learning how to be and becoming acquainted with being non-philosophers?

  • Issue Year: 2001
  • Issue No: 10
  • Page Range: 97-104
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Bulgarian
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