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Dicţionarul instituţiilor
Dictionary of Institutions

Author(s): Alexandru Murad Mironov, Carmen Rădulescu
Subject(s): History
Published by: Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului
Keywords: Cultural propaganda; Foreign Affairs; Cultural Diplomacy; Communist ideology; music; propaganda;

Summary/Abstract: Carmen Rădulescu, Romanian Institute for the Cultural Relations Abroad Romanian Institute for the Cultural Relations Abroad was created in 1948 by the Communist Party as an instrument to increase its legitimity abroad, and also to provide the means for a cultural diplomacy which stated the superiority of country social and cultural development. During the ’50s the evolution of this Institute was dramatically influenced by the ideological and polical factors as being under the control of two important structures of Communist regime, the Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Central Comittee of Communist Party. Later, a new orientation was assured, which consisted in a cultural diplomacy opened toward Western culture, with cultural agreements with countries to which Romania had a long tradition of collaboration. Alexandru-Murad Mironov, Union of Composers and Musicologists of Romanian People’s Republic/Socialist Republic of Romania Professional association of composers and musicologists in Socialist Romania, the Union of Composers has been a real Ministry of Music between 1949 and 1989. Copying a soviet model, this specific organization of the Communist regime managed not only the needs of musicians, but also helped in strenghtening the party control over the arts. Without the coercitive force of the State, the Union of Composers distributed all the benefits: houses, trips, access to special stores, resorts (including castles once owned by aristocracy) and reserved restaurants. Further more, the institution was the only legal collectors of copyrights, on behalf of creators. These financial assets lagely rewarded all those who ideologically served the regime.

  • Issue Year: XIX/2011
  • Issue No: 1-2
  • Page Range: 223-233
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Romanian
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