Deletions: what they are and where to place them Cover Image

Problém elipsy: co s ním a kam s ním?
Deletions: what they are and where to place them

Author(s): Marie Mikulová, Jarmila Panevová
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: elipsa; „rekonstrukcja” zdania; struktura głęboka; struktura powierzchniowa; relacje między strukturą głęboką a powierzchniową; ellipsis; sentence ‘reconstruction’; deep structure; surface structure; relation between deep and surface structure

Summary/Abstract: In the present paper the analysis of deletion proposed by Grochowski (1974a, 1974b, 1984) is examined by using Czech material. The necessity of a “reconstruction” of full versions (called here a “linguistic construct”) of the respective sentences in their underlying representations is demonstrated on the examples of “reduced” (though grammatically correct) sentences with an adverbial of comparison and restriction. There are at least two arguments for an inclusion of “non-reduced” representations within a language description: (i) the constructions under analysis often combine two semantic relations (e.g. comparison and location in (1a)), and (ii) the governors (heads) of the comparison and restriction relations are frequently omitted on the surface (e. g. in (5), (7), (17)). Our analysis leads to the conclusion that the phenomenon of deletion (ellipsis) has to do with the relationship between the representations of sentences on their deep and surface levels.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 60
  • Page Range: 225-232
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Czech
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