Chronicle of coin finds in Tulcea County (9th-13th centuries) Cover Image

Cronica descoperirilor monetare din judeţul Tulcea (sec. IX-XIII)
Chronicle of coin finds in Tulcea County (9th-13th centuries)

Author(s): Gheorghe Mănucu-Adameşteanu
Subject(s): Archaeology
Published by: Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - Institutul de Istorie si Arheologie
Keywords: Beroe–Piatra Frecǎţei; Isaccea–Noviodunum–Vicina; byzantine coins; follis; billon aspron trachy; monede bizantine; follis; aspron trachy de billon

Summary/Abstract: We resume the chronicle of Byzantine coin finds (10th-13th centuries) in Tulcea County – stopped a decade ago – with the publication of pieces resulting from systematic and preventive archaeological research carried out at Beroe–Piatra Frecǎţei and Isaccea–Noviodunum–Vicina. Since all earlier finds from the settlement of Beroe–Piatra Frecăţei have already been published in a monographic volume, we present here only one recently restored piece. The coin was discovered in 1999, in dwelling no. 2. It is a billon aspron trachy that belongs to the first reformed issue of the Thessaloniki workshop, coined by emperor Alexius I Comnenus (1081-1118) on the occasion of the association to the throne of his son, John II. From the same dwelling, burned during the migratory attack in 1122, we already have a local coin, an imitation after the third issue of the Constantinople workshop, also put into circulation during the reign of Alexis I Comnenus. The above mentioned coin, marking the very moment of the coronation of John II, opens the series of the emissions assigned to the workshop in Thessaloniki. The billon coins struck in this workshop are relatively little known, and the reported piece confirms this perception, since it is the only such find on the territory of Dobrudja. It may be appropriate to note the remarkable concentration of finds assigned to another thessalonikan emission – Type D – at Isaccea and in the vicinity, which led us to assume that it was put into circulation by a monetary workshop from Isaccea during the reign of emperor Alexius I Comnenus. Among the coins found at Isaccea, we present here a lot of pieces from the 10th-13th centuries, found during the archaeological research carried out on the site in 2003-2007. The majority of the coins found in 2003 in the extra muros dwelling area – a treasure (23 anonymous A2-A3 class folles) and isolated finds (173 coins dated to the 10th-12th centuries) have already been published in various articles. Our present chronicle adds a considerable number of pieces of depreciated billon aspron trachy to the modest harvest of 35 coins from the first half of 13th century, fortuitous finds published ten years ago. The other finds, of which only specific ones are published, come from archaeological research conducted in the site in 2004-2007. Rezumat: Reluǎm cronica descoperirilor monetare bizantine (sec. IX-XIV) din jud. Tulcea, întreruptǎ acum un deceniu, prin publicarea unor piese rezultate în urma cercetǎrilor arheologice sistematice şi preventive de la Beroe–Piatra Frecǎţei şi Isaccea–Noviodunum–Vicina. Din aşezarea de la Beroe–Piatra Frecǎţei prezentǎm o singurǎ piesǎ restauratǎ recent, toate descoperirile monetare cunoscute fiind publicate într-un volum monografic. Acest exemplar a fost descoperit în anul 1999 în locuinţa 2. Moneda – un aspron trachy de billon – aparţine primei emisiuni reformate din atelierul de la Thessalonic, bǎtutǎ de împǎratul Alexios I Comnenul (

  • Issue Year: IX/2011
  • Issue No: 9
  • Page Range: 513-522
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Romanian
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