Deformed skulls from Piatra Frecăţei necropolis Cover Image

Cranii deformate din necropola de la Piatra Frecăţei
Deformed skulls from Piatra Frecăţei necropolis

Author(s): Nicolae Miriţoiu
Subject(s): Archaeology
Published by: Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - Institutul de Istorie si Arheologie
Keywords: deformed skulls; Piatra Frecăţei; Roman-Byzantine period; craniometry; cranii deformate; perioada romano-bizantină; craniometrie

Summary/Abstract: The article analyzes the artificially deformed skulls from Piatra Frecăţei. The measurements of the skulls were used to draw the cranial polygon in order to identify the type of deformation. We have presented and commented on the archaeological excavations from Piatra Frecăţei necropolis, but we have also described the burials with artificially deformed skulls. For each skull, we have entered a description in the catalogue, including the stage of preservation, bone inventory, stage of sutures, dental attrition, estimated age and sex, discussions based on the measurements, non-metric traits, as well as type of deformation. Rezumat: Articolul prezintă craniile deformate artificial descoperite la Piatra Frecăţei. Măsurătorile au fost folosite pentru a trasa poligonul cranian şi pentru a identifica tipul deformării. Au fost prezentate şi comentate săpăturile arheologice din necropola de la Piatra Frecăţei, dar şi descrierea mormintelor ce aveau schelete cu cranii deformate. Fiecare craniu a fost prezentat într-un catalog descriptiv ce conţine starea de conservare, inventarul oaselor, stadiul suturilor craniene, uzura dentară, estimarea vârstei şi determinarea sexului, discuţii bazate pe măsurători, caractere non-metrice şi tipul de deformare.

  • Issue Year: IX/2011
  • Issue No: 9
  • Page Range: 539-574
  • Page Count: 36
  • Language: Romanian
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