The excellent critic and the mediocre poet (János Kis and the criticism of the period) Cover Image

A nagyszerű kritikus és a kis(szerű) poéta (Kis János és a kortárs kritika)
The excellent critic and the mediocre poet (János Kis and the criticism of the period)

Author(s): Orsolya Tóth
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Jelenkor Alapítvány
Keywords: nineteenth-century Hungarian poetry; János Kis; history of literature; Kazinczy; Winckellmann

Summary/Abstract: János Kis is a figure of nineteenth-century Hungarian poetry who is recorded virtually only by literary historians. The study however places his figure in an unexpectedly exciting context: the period’s judgement of Kis’ poetry marks the border of an important critical-historical period. On one hand he receives a deep recognition from Ferenc Kazinczy who asserts the winckellmannian norm of imitation, on the other hand however, during the later period of the history of reception they call him to account of authenticity, and as approaching the end of this process his oeuvre reaches the state of total unreadability.

  • Issue Year: 2002
  • Issue No: 07
  • Page Range: 818-826
  • Page Count: 9
  • Language: Hungarian
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