Comparative Analytical Review of the Latest Genetic Studies of the Serbs and the Serbian Population – an Ethnological Perspective Cover Image

Компаративни аналитички осврт на најновија генетска истраживања порекла Срба и становништва Србије – етнолошка перспектива
Comparative Analytical Review of the Latest Genetic Studies of the Serbs and the Serbian Population – an Ethnological Perspective

Author(s): Ivica Todorović
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Етнографски институт САНУ
Keywords: Broader comparative framework; latest ethnological and genetic findings; resolving significant ethno genetic and genealogical issues and perplexities; Aleksandrovac district; preliminary multidisciplinary results; dominance of “Slav” haplogroups

Summary/Abstract: This paper presents a comparative analysis of the results of several latest genetic researches into the origin (with a focus on the multidisciplinary studies of Aleksandrovac district), in which the results of genetic studies are correlated with ethnological and other findings and approaches. In this way it is possible to solve significant ethno genetic and genealogical issues and perplexities, which could however not be resolved without the application of various scientific disciplines. Above all, the results of the preliminary survey the authors carried out - compared to the latest relevant surveys by other authors and institutions - indicated the dominance of 12a and R1a haplogroups, decisive in the ethno genesis of the Slavs, which matches common and prevalent Serbian perception of the Serbs as of a nation of the Slav language and origin.

  • Issue Year: LXII/2014
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 99-111
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Serbian
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