Mapping the Key Concepts in Gender Studies and Creating a Cartography of their Balkan Specificities Cover Image

Мапирање на клучните концепти на родовите студии и создавање на картографија на нивните балкански специфики
Mapping the Key Concepts in Gender Studies and Creating a Cartography of their Balkan Specificities

Author(s): Damir Arsenijević, Sanja Potkonjak, Ajla Demiragić, Jelena Petrović, Maja Bogojević
Contributor(s): Nataša Stojanovska-Ilievska (Translator)
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Higher Education
Published by: Институтот за општествени и хуманистички науки – Скопје
Keywords: gender studies; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Serbia and Montenegro; Balkans; Croatia; higher education;

Summary/Abstract: This article offers a narrative, which maps out of a wide range of specificities of gender studies in the Balkans, more precisely in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Slovenia. The choice of the countries analysed here was guided by us based on our individual involvement in furthering gender/women’s studies in higher education research and teaching as well as on our experiences of being travelling scholars and working closely with each other, both formally and informally. Firmly embedded in our concrete practices and mutual collaboration, our aim is to inform and tease out, question and assess, locate and chart.

  • Issue Year: 6/2007
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 69-99
  • Page Count: 31
  • Language: English, Macedonian
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