Poetry’s Nothing: Stanisław Czerniak’s ‘Philosophical’ Lyric Poetry Cover Image

Nic poezji. O liryce "filozoficznej" Stanisława Czerniaka
Poetry’s Nothing: Stanisław Czerniak’s ‘Philosophical’ Lyric Poetry

Author(s): Paweł Dybel
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Stanisław Czerniak; Polish poetry 20 c.; Biologism; Philosophy

Summary/Abstract: According to the author, the originality of Stanisław Czerniak’s poetic works hinges on its taking up classical philosophical motifs and imbuing them with completely novel meanings. Although Czerniak is a representative of the New Wave, his sparing poetics and refined thoughtfulness connects him with Szymborska and Herbert, the leading figures of Generation ’56. His ‘biologism’, however, sets him apart: his poems strongly emphasise an experience of the self and the world. An explicitly embodied cogito forms the crucial point of reference in the lyric persona’s identity construction and his relation with humans and animals. Worth mention is also the sensitiveness in these poems to various forms of ‘negativeness of being’ as experienced through a deep sense of one’s own physical transience, of one’s oscillation on the borderline between life and death.

  • Issue Year: 2010
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 177-188
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Polish
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