Inclusion and Exclusion in the Period of Transformation and Integration Cover Image

Začlenenie a vylúčenie v období transformácie a integrácie
Inclusion and Exclusion in the Period of Transformation and Integration

Author(s): Monika Čambáliková
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Sociologický ústav - Slovenská akadémia vied
Keywords: Inclusion; exclusion; transformation; integration; citizenship

Summary/Abstract: Inclusion and Exclusion in the Period of Transformation and Integration. The article focuses at the analysis of transformation and integration processes of Slovakia done through the optics of inclusion. Inclusion is investigated (in accordance with the inspiration by the concept elaborated by R. Goodin) particularly in relation with the concepts of citizenship and participation. The author analyses "liberal" and "social" vision of citizenship as a theoretical-ideological base of two mutually competing models of Europe and European states. She compares the development, opportunities and limits of social citizenship implementation during the "golden age of social democracy“ and in the current period of globalisation. She highlights how the issue of inclusion and exclusion is reflected in the EU documents and programs, and how this issue is being modified. In conclusion, she establishes that there is no coherent concept of „European citizenship“ existing at the moment. The important thing is what vision of citizenship and what vision of (euro)citizenship is adopted by the relevant – national as well as global – agents: what they will include into this vision. The important thing is what institutions and what mechanisms of participation in the implementation of this vision they will establish: whom and how they will include in it. The important thing is whether all citizens and (euro)citizens will be included as „relevant agents“. To contemplate the substantial issue: who and how should be included in the period of European integration – assumes to contemplate not only the criteria for including or condemning, but particularly to contemplate about the sense of European homogenity and identity. And by analogy: contemplating this issue in the context of European national states encourages the discussion about the sense of their current transformation. Sociológia 2003 Vol. 35 (No. 4: 285-306)

  • Issue Year: 2003
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 285-306
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Slovak
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