Nietzsche. Geobiography of the Spirit Cover Image

Ницше. Геобиография на духа
Nietzsche. Geobiography of the Spirit

Author(s): Kamelia Zhabilova
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Институт по философия и социология при БАН
Keywords: Nietzsche; philosophical geo-biography; geophilosophy

Summary/Abstract: The present text is rather a hermeneutic experiment over the „philosophical geo-biography“ of Nietzsche which includes both cities and places, which he has been living in and described and which have consequently became toponyms of his philosophical meditations, as well as separate toposes – the mountain, the cave, the desert etc., which are very much present in his texts. The topical dimensions of the intellectual pilgrimages of Nietzsche outline a specific reality – geographic and at the same time symbolic one. This ambivalence sets as a premise the possibility for a hermeneutic reading which definitely goes beyond the actual geographic topography. I am speaking not of leading astray, but rather of taking off to a much wider geography of the mind, which has been tirelessly traveled all over and traversed beyond space and times.

  • Issue Year: XVII/2008
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 84-90
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Bulgarian
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