Între fanariotism şi mişcarea de emancipare naţională. Modelul cantemirian de abordare a imaginii Imperiului Otoman în cultura românească scrisă
Between Phanariotism and the Movement for National Emancipation. The Cantemirian Model of Approaching the Image of the Ottoman Empire in the Written..
Author(s): Călin FelezeuSubject(s): History
Published by: Renaşterea Cluj
Keywords: Cantemir, Ottoman Empire, Transylvanian School, historiography, Phanariot
Summary/Abstract: Unlike the image of the Ottoman Empire in the Enlightenment historiography, Cantemir’s contribution to historiography opened a path that dominated the image of the Ottomans until Modern Age. Due to Cantemir’s work, the interest for Ottoman history became considerably broader. In Transylvania, the Transylvanian School historiography—continuing a humanist historiography tradition (Ureche, Costin) and using Cantemir’s model—was an attempt to achieve a synthesis of the national history. The Enlightenment historical records developed a unitary vision on the history of the Romanian people, based on which an image of the Ottoman Empire was formed
Journal: TABOR. Revistă de cultură şi spiritualitate românească
- Issue Year: VI/2012
- Issue No: 02
- Page Range: 47-61
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Romanian