EQLS 2012 respondents’ reflections on the quality of environment emotional state of mind, and culture of social environment as predictors for judging Cover Image

Reflexie kvality životného prostredia, emocionálneho naladenia a kultúry sociálneho prostredia respondentov EQLS 2012 ako prediktory posúdenia rizika
EQLS 2012 respondents’ reflections on the quality of environment emotional state of mind, and culture of social environment as predictors for judging

Author(s): Jozef Výrost
Subject(s): Psychology
Published by: Spoločenskovedný ústav SAV, Slovenská akadémia vied
Keywords: European Quality of Life Survey 2012; Perceived risk.

Summary/Abstract: Regression analyses of EQLS 2012 data confirmed that risk evaluation is determined by many factors. On the basis of results gained it is possible to conclude, that the most important predictor of person’s perceived risk from crime, violence or vandalism in the immediate neighbourhood is predicated on other perceived problems with the quality of environment in the area where they live. Precision of the prediction is higher, when the individual at the same time perceives social exclusion, evaluates the quality of his/her housing negatively, or if in comparison with others judges financial situation of his/her household as worse, and when they see his/her life perspective negatively (life satisfaction, happiness, well-being). Lastly, the effect of prediction supplement the group of variables, which we described as an examination of personal prosperity (tightness, subjective health, mood) and its social context (trust to people, institutions, perceived tension between social groups in society).

  • Issue Year: 17/2014
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 1-9
  • Page Count: 9
  • Language: Slovak
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