The Hududname concerning the Borders of the Bosnian vilayet with Austria after the Peace of Karlovci Cover Image

Hududnama bosanskog vilajeta prema Austriji poslije Karlovačkog mira
The Hududname concerning the Borders of the Bosnian vilayet with Austria after the Peace of Karlovci

Author(s): Ešref Kovačević
Subject(s): History
Published by: Orijentalni Institut u Sarajevu

Summary/Abstract: The question of the borders of the Bosnian Pashalik, drawn on the basis of the decisions of the peace treaty concluded in Sremski Karlovci in 1699, has not been treated so far in Yugoslav historiography, although it represents an important question in the history of Yugoslav peoples, and especially in the history of the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Under the provisions of this treaty, signed by the members of the Holy Alliance on the one hand, and the Ottoman Empire on the other, the Bosnian Pashalik obtained its first permanent and fixed borders on the north, west, and southwest. A critical edition of the text of the treaty regarding the borders of the Bosnian Pashalik with Austria (hereafter referred to as the hududname) has been prepared on the basis of four manuscripts of the hududname in Turkish. Two copies of the hududname are kept at the Archives Museum of Topkapi in Istanbul. The text of what is thought to be the better manuscript is published here; the other copy is designated by the abbreviation TMA. Both are found in the same codex the call number of which, in translation, reads: Defter No. 7014 -- 14 dhu'l-qa'da, 1112 (23 April 1701). Later the call number has been changed and now reads: 7015. The third copy of the hududname, the one abbreviated as NB, is kept at the National Library in Sarajevo; but, since it has not been processed yet, it does not have a call number of its own. The fourth copy, designated by the abbreviation Š, is in the possession of the family of the late Dr. H. Šabanović.

  • Issue Year: 1974
  • Issue No: 20-21
  • Page Range: 365-436
  • Page Count: 72
  • Language: Bosnian
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