Semantyka terminu w perspektywie porównawczej: koncept, pojęcie czy signifi é?
Semantics of a term from the comparative perspective: a concept, a notion or the signifi ed?
Author(s): Bronisława LigaraSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA
Summary/Abstract: This paper touches upon the issue of describing the semantic content of a term from the perspective of glottodidactics and comparison. Depending on the adopted semantic theory, the semantic content of a term is captured by means of various defi ning notions: a notion, a concept and, additionally, the signified. It is postulated in this paper that a concept, which constitutes the cognitive meaning of a term and which is a carrier of specialised knowledge (comprised by a given fi eld), be adopted for describing the semantic content of terms in terminology glottodidactics and in interlinguistic comparative studies for translation purposes. Contrastive analysis of semantics of terms belonging to two national languages, which is indispensable in teaching specialised translation, requires the application of tertium comparationis – a semantic comparison metalanguage, which is independent of the linguistic side of the confronted terms. It can be composed by concepts as they are not assigned to specifi c languages, which allows the avoidance of ethnocentrism. It is not notions then, but concepts as cognitive meanings of terms, which are external towards particular languages, that ought to constitute the basis for interlinguistic comparison in a contrastive analysis of terms in two languages.
Journal: Poradnik Językowy
- Issue Year: 2014
- Issue No: 02
- Page Range: 7-21
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Polish