Vasiyyetname in Osmanli language Cover Image

Vasiyyetname in Osmanli language

Author(s): Azra Gadžo-Kasumović
Subject(s): History
Published by: Gazi Husrev-begova biblioteka
Keywords: vasijjetnama; forma i kompozicija dokumenta; opis postupanja sa umirućim i mejjitom; tedžhiz ve tekfin; Birgivija; duhovna oporuka; smisao sastavljanja vasijjetnama; bosansko-osmanska tradicija.

Summary/Abstract: This work points out, generally, the individuality/specialty of vasiyyetname and gives their diplomatic review. Work is based on the preserved vasiyyetnames (around 150) from the period of 1762-1936. One vasiyyetnama in Osmanli language was specially presented, that one which was often in practice in Bosnia, which dealt with treatment of a dying person or meyyit (dead). In this work it is proven that this vasiyyetnama was originated as a model of Birgivijina Vasiyyetnama, or better, from the fragment of mentioned vasijjetname under title: Vasiyyet li muhtedir wa mayyit/Vasiyyetnama for dying person or meyyit (dead). It is obvious that this form of vasiyyetname was more in practice in Bosnia than those which refer to usual testament. It should be mentioned here that in this work we did not look at vasiyyetname from Sharia or general law107 but from diplomatic literary aspect and from the aspect of its spiritual content. By that, form was given, or rather the way which was used to present vasijjetname on Osmanli language as a document which could be called Osmanli vasiyyetnama or vasiyyetnama on Osmanli language. The work is result of insight review of preserved document of vasijjetname on Osmanli language in the Gazi Husrev-bey library from 18, 19 and the first part of 20 century. It is also based on analysis of inheritance record -defter /kassam or tereke / from sidjil of Sarajevo court. By presenting and analyzing given details we can conclude that, in that time composition of vasiyyetname was widely used in Bosnia. So, this work could remind us, not to forget the practice of writing vasiyyetname, which was mainly used to express will of treatment of dying person and dead one and which is in that sense special in compare with testament /vasiyyetname used to write usual will for successor and endowment (waqf). After that, some elements of historical developments was given, from which also could be seen widely use of this type of vasiyyetname.

  • Issue Year: 2006
  • Issue No: 25-26
  • Page Range: 45-85
  • Page Count: 41
  • Language: Bosnian
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