Optimizing the Primary Hospital Services Providing Subsystem in Banská Bystrica Region Cover Image

Optimalizácia primárneho subsystému poskytovania nemocničných služieb v Banskobystrickom samosprávnom kraji
Optimizing the Primary Hospital Services Providing Subsystem in Banská Bystrica Region

Author(s): Helena Kuvíková, Mária Hrčková
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Regionálne európske informačné centrum Banská Bystrica
Keywords: Hospital services providing system; Region; Optimization; Criteria of optimization

Summary/Abstract: In the paper the most important results of hospital services providing system in Banská Bystrica region are presented. System components´ attributes and hospital services goods´ characterics contribute to potencial and real system failures. The failures solution in practice is long term question considering system dynamics in changing conditions. The system failures require optimization. The optimization possibilities may be recognised on the self-government region level. The potential to solve optimization in healthcare in region level is remaining idle in Slovak republic so far. The goal of the paper is pointing to the possibilites of hospital services system providing optimization in the region level. Using the system theory the decomposition of the system to the functional subsystems is applied in the paper and the focus is put on the primary subsystem in which the production of hospital services is realized. The inputs of primary hospital services providing subsystem in Banská Bystrica Region are examined and strong diversities of indicators in the districts of the region are stated, especially in categories median life expectancy at birth, mortality, morbidity, the hospitalization rate. On the scientific studies of other authors and our analysis the optimization criteria for primary hospital services providing subsystem in Banská Bystrica Region are appointed and the optimization function is calculated: the structure of the subsystem aimed to the bed structure is chosen respecting the institutional holder of the structure which is hospital. In the conclusion of the paper the concrete localization of bed structure and hospitals in Banská Bystrica Region are presented.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 24-57
  • Page Count: 34
  • Language: Slovak
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