Oral History Institute (1999-2000) Cover Image

Institutul de Istorie Orală (1999-2000)
Oral History Institute (1999-2000)

Author(s): Cornel Jurju
Subject(s): History
Published by: Argonaut

Summary/Abstract: In 1999 Oral History Institute continued the research campaígnes regarding the project: Rezistence Against Communism in Romania during 1945-1989. Oral History Research. Financed by Department of Education this project's aim was to study the phenomenon of anned rezistence against communism in Romania from Oral History point of view, taking into consideration all aspects: spread, chronology, participants, the impact on Romanian society, oppression etc. The main aim of our investigations was to research the activity of a group or zone where the members of the group carried iln their activity. In order to carry out such a research the interviewers were accomodated to the theme studying biblioglaphy, press, archive (reffering to verdicts, charges etc.). Next step was to identify witnesses, especially those who really parlicipated to the events. Thus the testimonies will be accurate and full of information. In the same time, according to data base we established a questionnaire to indicate the interviewer aspects concerning the rezistence phenomenon that had to be taken into consideration during the research. Obviously, this questionnaire offers the interviewee the possibility to tell about the personal life or other aspects.

  • Issue Year: 2001
  • Issue No: II
  • Page Range: 11-22
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Romanian
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