Полските събития през 1792 г. и европейската дипломация в Константинопол
Polish Events in 1792 and European Diplomacy in Constantinople
Author(s): Tamara StoilovaSubject(s): History
Published by: Институт за исторически изследвания - Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: In the spring of 1789 France initiates changes that determine Europe development in the next decades. French revolution quickly jumps the borders, as that earlier happened with the ideas that become its ideological basis. The Polish events in early 90s of the XVIII century are a part of the European revolutionary process but they have their own specific, which determines the attitude of the Polish neighborhood states. In order to counteract the revolution, Austria and Prussia eliminate disagreements and agree. Immediately after the end of the war with Turkey, Russian forces are preparing for new actions, this time to restore the situation in Poland. The revolutionary events strongly influence diplomatic relationships in Turkish capital as in the same time they give rise to desires for changes as well in Ottoman Empire. 1792 is a crucial year for the future of Poland, against which are united Russia, Prussia and Austria. The attempts of revolutionary France to be recognized by the Great Gate failed, although after the French success against the united armies of Austria and Prussia, it increasingly began to align their behavior with the new French government. This left an imprint on the relationship development concerning the Polish problem. Its dramatic development in next years is a reason for a new opposition to European forces, which manifestation becomes again the diplomatic conflict among them in Constantinople.
Journal: Исторически преглед
- Issue Year: 2010
- Issue No: 5-6
- Page Range: 12-23
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Bulgarian