Ideological Tenets of Constantine Porphyrogenitus and the Dalmatian Romans Cover Image

Идејна начела Константина Порфирогенита и далматински Романи
Ideological Tenets of Constantine Porphyrogenitus and the Dalmatian Romans

Author(s): Vlada Stanković
Subject(s): History
Published by: Vizantološki institut SANU

Summary/Abstract: Composing instructions for his son Romanos, known as De Administrando Imperio, Constantine Porphyrogenitus noted down some specific information about Dalmatia and its inhabitants. They were referred to as Romans. The author was faced with the task of incorporating these Romans, for whom he claimed that they had been moved from Rome bу Diocletian, into the Byzantine theory according to which аll subjects, regardless of their nationality, were Romaioi . The problem facing him was even larger since old Byzantine writers, speaking of the same population and the same region, made exclusive mention of Romaioi. Obviously not knowing that this ethnonym was of the Latin provenance, he was forced to identify the Romans with the Romaioi оп the ideological level. Thus, а distinction was made between the ethnic affiliation according to which they are Romans (in the same manner as they are Latins in western sources) and the political affiliation to the Byzantine universalistic empire, асcording to which they are Romaioi (Greeks in the west).

  • Issue Year: 1999
  • Issue No: 38
  • Page Range: 67-85
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Serbian
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