The July Theses Cover Image

Tezele din iulie
The July Theses

Author(s): Titu Popescu, Sergiu Adam, Constantin Abăluţă, Romulus Rusan, Nicolae Motoc, Cornel Moraru, Ovidiu Genaru, Mircea Iorgulescu, Radu Mareş, A. I. Brumaru, Dumitru Chirilă, Gabriel Dimisianu, Dan Culcer
Subject(s): Cultural Essay, Political Essay, Societal Essay
Published by: Vatra Literară
Keywords: communism; marxism; culture; Ceausescu; Ceaucescu; cultural consequences;

Summary/Abstract: The “Remember” section of the magazine takes us back in time, in 1971 when the July Theses were proposed and approved under the Ceauşescu regíme. The theses marked the end of a period of relative cultural “softening” and the beginning of a period marked by severe interdictions and totalitarist measures, wearing the characteristic mark of “Ceausism”. The Remember chapter begins with the rationale explaining why the theses were approached, followed by the text of the Theses and Ceauşescu’s speech and the article of writers commenting the event and its consequences on the Romanian culture. Cornel Moraru: “Argument” (Rationale) - 31; Nicolae Ceauşescu: “Propuneri de măsuri pentru îmbunătăţirea activităţii politico-ideologice, de educare marxist-leninistă a membrilor de partid, a tuturor oamenilor muncii” (Measure Proposals to Improve the Political and Ideological Activity and to Educate the Party Members and All the Working People in a Marxist-Leninist Spirit) - 32; Nicolae Ceauşescu: “Expunere la Consfătuirea de lucru a activului de partid din domeniul ideologiei şi al activităţii politice şi cultural-educative” (Exposé at the Working Seminar of the Party Operating Members in the Domain of Ideology and the Political and Cultural-Educative Activity - 34 Mircea Iorgulescu: “Timpi şi timpuri” (Time and Times) - 47 Gabriel Dimisianu: “După treizeci de ani” (After Thirty Years) - 50 Radu Mareş: “Recurs la memorie” (Appeal to memory) - 51 Sergiu Adam:"Sînt doar unul dintre cei mulţi" (I Am One of Many) - 53 Constantin Abăluţă: “Manipularea "inteligentă" a intelectualităţii” (The “Intelligent” manipulation of the Intellectuality” - 54 Titu Popescu: "Ori-ori" (Either – Or) - 56 Ovidiu Genaru: “Picăturile CEAU... “ (The CEAU…. Drops) - 57 Dumitru Chirilă: Măciuca din iulie sau boala de sistem (The July Bat or the Illness in the System) - 59 Dan Culcer: “O vară lungă cu teze şi proteze de memorie” (A Long Summer with Thesis and Memory Prostheses) - 60

  • Issue Year: 2001
  • Issue No: 08
  • Page Range: 31-66
  • Page Count: 36
  • Language: Romanian
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