Přínos Ústavu pro českou a světovou literaturu ČSAV (1970-1972) v oblasti studia slovanských literatur
The Contribution of the Institute of Czech and World Literature of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1970-1992) to Slavic Literary Studies
Author(s): Marcel ČernýSubject(s): Language studies
Published by: AV ČR - Akademie věd České republiky - Slovanský ústav and Euroslavica
Keywords: Institute of Czech and World Literature of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences; History of Slavistic literary studies; Slavic literary studies; International Congresses of Slavists
Summary/Abstract: The Institute of Czech and World Literature of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences was established at the beginning of the so called „normalization“ (November 5, 1970) as the 3rd in sequence Academic institute specialized in Slavistic theoretical literary studies proceeding with the work of its predecessors: the Slavonic Institute (1922/1928-1943, 1945-1952, since November 12, 1952 till 1963 a part of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences) and the Institute of Languages and Literatures of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1964-1970; in 1970-1972 only with the language sector). The research programme of the Institute continued in its „inherited“ projects under way, but the main aim to finish the most important scholarly task – syntetic history of particular national literatures (Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian and South Slavic) has never been accomplished. The continuity of previous development of Czech Slavistic Studies was procured thanks to the proceedings of studies to the International Congresses of Slavists (1973, 1978, 1983, 1988) and thanks to high quality of the Institute´s journal Slavia. The study concentrates mainly on the activity of the Department of Slavistic and Comparative Studies; the Department of Russian and Soviet Literature, founded in 1974, is examined only peripherally. In detail is analysed and evaluated the scholarly contribution of the older generation of Slavists (K. Krejčí, J. Dolanský, S. Wollman, V. Bechyňová), the generation of their younger colleagues and followers (O. Zilynskyj, R. Grebeníčková, Z. Genyk- Berezovská, M. Černá, D. Hronková, M. Kvapil, J. Vlášek, J. Hloušková) as well as specialists in the field of Slavistic bibliography (A. Vachoušková, H. Sofrová) are briefly presented in commented bibliographical review. The main merit of the Institute can be found in aimed and systematic interconnecting of Slavistic and Bohemistic theoretical literary studies.
Journal: Slavia - časopis pro slovanskou filologii
- Issue Year: LXXXI/2012
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 1-42
- Page Count: 42
- Language: Czech