Ларингеален карцином в млада възраст до 40 г. в три области на Южна България (Пловдив, Пазарджик, Смолян) за 25 г. (1986–2011)
Laryngeal carcinoma in patients younger than 40 years in three regions of Southern Bulgaria (Plovdiv, Pazardzhik and Smolyan region) for a period ...
Author(s): Nikola Ananoshtev, Vaska Vasileva, Hristo GrudevSubject(s): History
Published by: Балканска асоциация по история и философия на медицината (БАИФМ)
Summary/Abstract: Laryngeal carcinoma in patients younger than 40 years in three regions of Southern Bulgaria (Plovdiv, Pazardzhik and Smolyan region) for a period of 25 years (1986–2011) / Larynx cancer in young people is comparatively rare, but they are diagnosed at a more advanced stage compared to patients aged above 40. We have performed a retrospective research of the frequency of larynx carcinoma in patients younger than 40 years for a period of 25 years (1986– 2011) among 1,258,955 people in Southern Bulgaria (Plovdiv, Pazardzhik and Smolyan region). Out of 1,225 cases registered with larynx carcinoma, 67 cases (5.47%) are aged below 40. Of those 67 patients younger than 40 years, 56 are men (83.58%), and 11 are women (16.41%). The desease is 5 time more common in men than women, i.e. the desease frequency ratio is 5:1. In the 1st clinical stage were 16.42% of the cases, in the 2nd – 19.40%, in the 3rd – 64.18%. We ascertained afive-year life expectancy in 100% of the cases in the 1st and 2nd clinical stage, while in the 3rd –64% of the cases. Symptoms like hoarse voice and dyspnea in younger patients require as detailed examination assymptoms of larynx carcinoma in patients above 4o years of age.
Journal: Асклепий. Международно списание по история и философия на медицината
- Issue Year: VI/2012
- Issue No: 01
- Page Range: 84-88
- Page Count: 5
- Language: Bulgarian